5 Best Workouts To Do On The SmartFitCube


The SmartFitCube is our new, state-of-the-art workout station. One of the most significant benefits of the SmartFitCube is its accessibility and its variability. You can perform a wide variety of exercises without stepping foot in a gym! This is especially significant these days due to Covid-19. Below, we are going to outline our top 5 exercises you can do using the SmartFitCube!




Pulls are a great compound movement. This means that they activate many different muscles rather than isolating just one. The benefit of this is that you’re getting more bang for your buck as you train more muscles. Pulls-ups are great for upper body strength and will primarily target your lats and biceps.


Dips, similar to pull-ups, will target your upper body. However, dips, unlike pull-ups, will target your chest, front delts and triceps. Both dips and pull-ups are great as you can add both assistance and resistance. If you need to make them harder, attach a weight to yourself. If you need to make it easier, use a resistance band.



Push-ups are a great upper body workout which targets the chest and triceps. You can do these on the floor or you could incorporate the SmartFitCube and perform them on a slight incline. Push-ups can also be made easier if you perform them on your knees.

L Sit/ Knee Raises

This exercise is performed by hanging from the bar and simply raising your knees. If this is easy, you can straighten your legs and raise them until your legs are at a right angle. This exercise, although difficult, is superb for building a strong core. A strong core is beneficial in essentially all walks of life and can prevent you from picking up unwanted injuries.

Squats/ Pistol Squats

This is the first lower body exercise on the list, and it truly is a great exercise. Squats are vital to building muscles in your quads and glutes. If bodyweight squats are too easy, either add weight or try pistol squats. Pistol squats are squats performed on one leg rather than two; these can be quite tricky, so try holding onto the SmartFitCube while you’re doing your first few.

About SmartFitCube:

SmartFitCube company produces and installs modular, cube-shaped, multipurpose exercise frames that can be easily set up at home, in schools, in public parks, and in gyms.

It is easy to deploy and assemble due to its innovative quick-connect mechanism and equipped with sensors communicating with smartphones or smartwatches via Bluetooth to monitor exercise efficiency and track training data.

For more information visit: www.global.smartfitcube.com