Rising musician KyloRay’s latest single ‘Good Morning Love’ brightens up your summers days with positivity

Upcoming versatile artist KyloRay brings out the optimistic sides of love and relationships in his recently released lyrical melody, ‘Good Morning Love’.


Young and talented singer-songwriter Sammy Ray, better known as KyloRay has become quite popular in the music industry with his incredible soundscape. He has recently released another audio track, ‘Good Morning Love’ on YouTube. The song is a love song with a deeper meaning presented flawlessly through his extraordinary vocal prowess. The song is for couples who are perfect in their own way. It brings out the truth about relationships, which are not always flowery as it seems from outside. The song represents all the ups and downs in a bond between two people in love through its eloquent lyrical illustration.

The emerging artist got involved with music since his childhood. His musical talent only flourished with time due to his hard work and dedication. His latest single, Good Morning Love’ reveals his exceptional singing and songwriting skills that he has mastered along the way. The sweet yet powerful message conveyed by the articulate libretto penetrates the hearts of the audience. KyloRay showcases the strength of true love in the song through his sublime storytelling. The blissful melody exudes a summery vibe that creates an ambiance of serenity. Listen to his other creations like ‘Changes’, ‘AstroKick’, ‘Material Girls’, and ‘Polaroid Photo’ on YouTube. Follow him on Instagram for more updates.