20 Unique Ideas to Celebrate International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is coming soon on 8th March. It is time to create more fun and educating plans for the day with more awareness and appreciation. 

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International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March to raise awareness against the bias and patriarchy that surround women and also to celebrate the achievements done by women. Women were oppressed for years and it took a long time to break the social norms and bring equality to all. Let’s take a moment to appreciate all women who have won the world with constant struggle and resilience. On International Women’s Day, 2024; make sure to arrange an event that embraces women and appreciates them for their contributions to society. If you are not sure what to plan for the day, here are 20 unique ideas to celebrate the day with fun, happiness, and awareness.

  1. Conduct and Host a Learning Session

Workplace events are often too professional. But you can make it interesting by inviting employees to a learning session that teaches them about International Women’s Day. It helps to generate more awareness and makes them understand the significance of the day. You also need to show that women in the workplace are always acknowledged and supported by all. It should be free and open to all events with Q&A and other rounds where everyone can engage in a conversation. The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion.” Focus on the theme and create invitation videos that can attract more people to the event to participate.

  1. Creative Thank You Videos

A Thank You video is always more intimate and closer to the heart than a simple mail. Instead of sending an email to the employees why not gather everyone and shoot a thank you video for the women in the company which makes it more personal and wholesome? Getting the whole workforce involved also shows that everyone is willing to show their support for women which brings a positive change. You can ask your team to create small videos and thank you clips based on the theme #InspireInclusion. Collect the footage and images and compile them through a single well-crafted video content that can be directly shared with the employees.

  1. Share Uplifting Quotations

Everybody has a knack for inspirational quotes and when it comes to International Women’s Day, there are many quotes that you can use to inspire people. Make sure to share Women’s Day special quotations with your employees and customers which helps to share more motivation and awareness. The quotes can be easily shared via email, chat, and printed posters on the wall or a video being played on TV. Even just acknowledging the day adds to the movement. Use a little PowerPoint to create an attractive poster with stock images and quotes. Now, you can play this video clip all around your office.

  1. High Tea in the Office

High Tea events at the end of the day are delightful for all kinds of employees where they can snack a little after a day of hard work. You can arrange a high tea event to celebrate International Women’s Day while focusing on the matters of gender equality. In order to keep everyone engaged, you can ask each of the staff to bring some goodies. However, if you have an ample budget; you should hire professional services to cater for the event. It is a more engaging event idea that involves food and munchies. As a result, more employees could be found participating willingly. After all, who does not like scones, jam, cream, and cheese?

  1. Utilize GIFs for International Women’s Day

A bit of humor does not hurt anyone and why not use it for International Women’s Day as well? Create a fun Women’s Day GIF that can make the day special while adding more awareness to office chats. Whether funny or heartfelt, the idea here is to keep it real and normalize the concept of appreciating women in the workplace. Of course, you need to be politically correct in this case so that does not spark any offense. You can even create GIPHY stickers which can be used for invitation and thank you messages for the day.

  1. Time to Support More Women-Owned Businesses

Try to help and empower women business owners by promoting them and buying their products or services. It is a way to contribute to equal economic opportunity and empowerment for women. Do not just purchase but also share your feedback and share the product with friends and family which helps to boost sales. It is a great way to promote small businesses and raise awareness for women business owners. Share your experience of interacting with the business on social media which can help the business gain more potential customers.

  1. Thank You e-Cards

remote working is nothing new and virtual appreciation is the new thing right now. In case you have a remote or virtual team for your business, make sure to create virtual thank-you cards for International Women’s Day. This way, you can send the Thank You e-cards to anyone from your team and they can further use it to thank other women colleagues. It is an environment-friendly option that does not require any paper or printing option. Just create your design and make sure to edit it to perfection. Always remember, kind words go a long way and you should use that in your card as well.

  1. Donation to Cause-Based Charity Events

Those who want to make a change on the upcoming International Women’s Day can donate charity to the organizations that support women’s causes and help to empower them. Adding corporate donations is also great for improving your CSR activities that improve your business reputation in the market. Making a donation to women’s cause helps to create awareness in the market regarding both, women’s empowerment as well as for your company. You can either donate to a local organization or a global non-profit agency. Since there are many organizations, you can ask your team to vote for the organization where the donation must be made.

  1. Coffee with Conversations

Simple conversations are the best when it comes to learning and getting inspired. You can ask an employee or a colleague to join you for a coffee in real life or even virtual meetings. Try to talk about light conversations based on career, self-care, work-life balance, or anything that you both are interested in. When the conversation is going well, you slide in questions based on gender equality in the workplace or what kind of cultural change they want to see in the workplace. You might be surprised but such conversations can reveal more truth than official chats.

  1. Purple All The Way

Purple is a color that symbolizes power, strength, dignity, and justice. You can ask your co-workers to wear a purple outfit or put up a purple ribbon on International Women’s Day to support the cause. It is an international color for Women’s Day and wearing it shows that you and your team are supporting it. This dress code also helps to create a great photo opportunity for the day which can be further used to post on social media. These photos can also spread awareness among others and inspire everyone to support this global cause, a tribute to all women around the globe. Make sure to add the photos on the business website which allows visitors to know that your company heartily celebrates International Women’s Day every year along with all the employees.

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  1. An Online Meeting Background 

Video backgrounds have become particularly important after the wide use of video chat and virtual meetings. You can utilize this by adding a special background based on the theme of International Women’s Day for the whole week. It is a simple gesture of showing that you also support the cause and acknowledge the event. Create one background and encourage employees to use them as well. It shows a unified effort by all employees and eventually makes the day even greater.

  1. Why not an Art Contest?

Creativity is the best way to churn out individuality in every and hosting an art contest at the workplace is perhaps the best idea for that. It is a fun and interesting way to reflect perceptions through art based on a particular theme, which is International Women’s Day in this case. You should also arrange small prizes for the winners and other contestants. Do not forget to clap and cheer your employees which offers them a greater dose of motivation and happiness. It is a stress-free activity and so, you should let them think freely. It is a beautiful idea to execute on Women’s Day that can reveal the creative side of every persona, including women.

  1. Branded Photo Booth for All

having a photo booth is the trendiest thing that you can have at an event. It is also great for sharing photos on social media which generates more awareness among employees as well as online users. You can DIY your own photo frame by using cardboard, crafting materials, corporate stickers, a company logo, and a lot of purple colors to embrace your brand as well as International Women’s Day. Set up the photo frame near the corridor or somewhere near the entrance where everyone can take a picture in peace and further post it on social media. Make sure to encourage everyone to strike the #InspireInclusion pose, which is this year’s theme for the day. Make sure to use the hashtags like #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion while sharing the photos which helps to gain more attention.

  1. An Intentions Video

Transparency is the best medium to earn trust. You need to focus on your business structure and brainstorm to find room for improvement. Find out the areas where your company can bring some positive changes in 2024. Keep an eye on the areas that can improve opportunities for women. You can share the ideas through email or add a more personal touch.

  1. Post on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc are the best places to create a buzz among online users. Posting on these platforms can help to gain more attention as most users are active on these platforms. It is spontaneous and lively, where you can add behind-the-scenes regarding your company’s celebration of International Women’s Day. Do not just make regular posts but also use the power of short-form content such as reels and stories to create thoughtful ideas and appreciative captions. When it comes to social media, hashtags play a vital role. Therefore, do not forget to use the tags #IWD2024 and #InspireInclusion to reach more people.

  1. Host a Book Discussion

When it comes to empowerment, books play a vital role. For this 8th March, make sure to host a Book Discussion at your workplace or you can do it among your bookworm friends. Opt for books that emphasize women’s voices and highlight the issues they face on a regular basis. It is a great way to establish new perspectives for gender equality and also motivates women to take the lead position. Book discussions can also inspire kids and you can use that to spread awareness among them.

  1. Organize Virtual Teams for Charity Run

Charity Runs are extremely fun and offer great motivation for everyone. It helps to combine fitness for a good cause and the best part is that any employee can participate even if working remotely. Hosting a Charity Run for International Women’s Day can be simply executed by setting up a donation amount for every mile. Ask your employees to share their individual running data while encouraging them to push their limits. Also, inspire others to increase the amount of charity collection.

  1. Utilize POV Content

POV or Point of View content is currently taking over the social media platforms by storm. It is a typical style of video that has gone insanely famous through Instagram reels and TikTok. This style of video is particularly great for sharing your point of view in a situation. On this International Women’s Day, share your daily struggles and challenges that you face as a woman. It can help to generate both awareness and empathy. While this can be informative, it can be ludicrous also to offer a satirical angle. The key here is to address the stereotypes and bash them. Make sure to add #IWD2024 and #InspireInclusion to generate more views on the POV content.

  1. Initiate a Membership Program

You can also volunteer your time to support women and guide them in their careers. Early-in-career women can greatly benefit from your mentorship program. Ask them for video resumes to figure out their goals, what they support, and what they are willing to become. When you get to know them in a personal and engaging way; you can mentor them better based on their unique needs. This is how you can directly contribute to their empowerment.

  1. ‘Day in the Life’ Vlog

International Women’s Day is meant for all women; women who work at offices and also those who work at home. Most women are capable of multi-tasking and by sharing one’s own story, a woman can inspire several other women to proceed on the path of empowerment. Share your views on Work-life balance as well as the various responsibilities that you have to take as a woman. You can also craft a small video based on different aspects of a woman’s life while offering tips to handle them better.

Final Thoughts

International Women’s Day is meant for women but its true motto is gender equality. Without the participation of men, women’s day cannot be celebrated with awareness and appreciation. It is a journey of acceptance and understanding between all genders while creating a cohesive workplace that is safe and sound for all.