Magnifier has delivered energetic tunes in the cracking numbers from the album ‘Life, Love, Lost’

Gifted artist, Magnifier, has dished out soulful vibes with an uplifting musicality in the brilliantly performed tracks from latest album ‘Life, Love, Lost’.


Astounding Magnifier has created a lot of fan frenzy and soared up the mercury level with the rocking numbers from the new 13-track album ‘Life, Love, Lost’. Jon Rhoten created Magnifier and has released some of the major numbers under this album, namely, ‘Sad and Lonely,’ ‘Take Me to the Sun,’ ‘Solace,’ and ‘It’s a Dream.’ Jon loved to play the guitar and was driven by the passion created by bands. The rock movement in Britain and indie alternatives played a major role in his formative years. One can get more info about this artist on his Facebook profile and also, the album is now available on Spotify.

The magnificent songs ‘Sad and Lonely’ and ‘Take Me to the Sun’ have exquisite rock vibes. Prolific Magnifier has enthralled the fans with jagged edges in the tracks ‘Solace’ and ‘It’s a Dream.’ He was also bug-bitten by well-known guitarist Billy Duffy of the Cult and inspired by The Charlatans, Happy Mondays, and Stone Roses. Jon Rhoten also had a stint with well-known music producer, Jon Parker, writing jingles and working on brand development. He is now looking forward to producing new projects through a unique and raw narrative.


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