Relationships: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, Relationship? Does that give you butterflies in your stomach or leaves you feeling caged? No matter the answer, one aspect that remains constant is the Relationship and the individual you are with.

Love is a profound emotion that every individual wants to experience. People seek its expression in a loving relationship with a companionable partner. The need for a relationship varies from person-to-person. It can be a deep sense of fulfilment for someone, while some may want to eliminate their loneliness with it. Some may simply want to follow the trend of being in a relationship.

A good relationship grows over time, it doesn’t end. The right kind of relationship doesn’t let you question everything about your partner or the future you dream of. Misunderstandings are unavoidable, but this doesn’t let you and your partner give up on each other. Trust plays a significant role as well. But it’s a two-way street that requires both communication, and effort to survive the test of time. You can also understand if the relation is healthy or toxic with the medium of self-expression. With the right partner ‘Be Yourself’ won’t just be a phrase.

Compared to this, toxic relationships can invade every phase of your life including your peace of mind leaving you feeling miserable and depressed. A poisonous relationship often makes you feel underappreciated. But that is not all; the worst obsession about being in a toxic relationship is the fact that we don’t accept it as bad until we are actually out of it. And by the time we make our way out, we are already broken. Don’t ignore the warning signs in a relationship from the beginning by making excuses for your partner’s behaviour.

A relationship which leaves you confused and anxious isn’t the right one for you.

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So, if you are thinking about committing to someone, you must know and understand certain things –

People often say that distance doesn’t matter in a relationship but that is not all. Distance doesn’t matter with the right kind of communication. Communication doesn’t have to be for hours, days or weeks but it should just be enough to realise that, ‘You Matter’.

In love, it often occurs that we make our partners our priority. But are you receiving the same importance?

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If not then don’t make someone your priority who views you as an alternative. If you are investing more as compared to what you are receiving, walk away. Don’t invest time in people who don’t value you.

Realise your worth before committing to a relationship. If you don’t like something, speak up. Don’t hide things; there is no reason for you not to voice your problems. The right ones will understand your perspective, the wrong ones will judge. Individuals in a relationship should keep an open mind and respect each other, keeping judgments out of the way.

The Blame Game
Human beings are filled with flaws and relationships are bound to go through tough phases. Accepting one’s mistake makes the relationship better and stronger. But if you are with someone who blames you for every little fault that occurs, you are in a toxic relationship.

Emotional Support
At the end of the day, we all want some emotional intimacy from our partner. And, it is understandable if your partner is busy sometimes but not always. If your partner uses the term ‘busy’ every time you need some closure, you should really reconsider being with someone who can’t even invest some time for you. Physical intimacy can’t substitute for emotional intimacy. Once you lose the head the body follows.