Running and jogging: the top most prominent health benefits

Running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise that serve multiple health benefits. However, a beginner must start with brisk walking that can go up to running.

Image Credit – Verywell Fit

One of the most popular physical activities are running and jogging. You can take this up if you hate going to the gym as these serve as an amazing alternative to cardio workouts at gyms. Some of the reasons behind the popularity of jogging and running are they do not cost you any extra membership money, and you can take part in this activity at any given time, best suited to your schedule.

Jogging and running, both require you to move your body but at different paces. When it comes to running, requires a high pace, and running at a much slower pace is called jogging. As jogging is done at a slower pace, it stays consistent throughout the entire workout without putting too much pressure on the human body. Running is also more stressful on the body than jogging, which is why if you are looking for a physical activity that you can maintain for a long time, it is definitely jogging. However, if you are a beginner, you need to start by doing brisk walks and then build your way up to jogging, and then finally running.

There are several health benefits of jogging and running, let’s find out what they are –

  • Muscle strength

When your body does movements that are required for both jogging and running, it regularly contracts several muscles. Some of them are quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and the calves, muscles of the lower extremities- that are primarily responsible for mobility. At the same time, when the legs push back and forth, the upper body muscles along with the core muscles get activated to stabilize the trunk. When you engage in running regularly, the activity will put stress on your muscles, forcing them to adapt and get stronger.

  • Stronger bones

In addition to muscle strength and endurance, regular jogging and running impacts bone density. The amount of bone mineral that is contained within the bones is referred to as bone density and running helps with achieving a higher bone density. This higher bone density is what boosts the strength of your bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis, a bone-wasting human illness.

  • Cardiovascular fitness

The cardiovascular system of the body includes your heart, lungs, and blood vessels, and this system has the most visible impact of regular jogging. When you engage in physical activities or when you exercise, the body responds by increasing your heart and breathing rate to match the demands of the activities. The aim behind these increased rates is to provide needed oxygen-rich blood to the muscles so that they can use it for more energy. This increase also allows waste production like carbon-dioxide to be removed from the human body. So when you run or jog regularly, the function and strength of the cardiovascular system improve.

  • Immune system

According to research and published reports, jogging and running can boost the effectiveness of the immune system as well. In studies, the immune system has been proven to be especially responsive to exercise. According to reports, regular exercise, such as running and jogging may increase the production of macrophages and lymphocytes, which are responsible for attacking the foreign substances in the body. Macrophages and lymphocytes also fight against illness that comes with foreign substances. So regular jogging is definitely needed for a stronger immune system which might not immediately make you feel less sick with cold or flu, but certainly will help you recover in less time.

  • Better sleep

A good night’s sleep is what everyone requires to maintain their overall health. Running and jogging are also directly linked with getting better sleep at night. While you perform these aerobic activities, your body releases Endorphins which assist in reducing pain and stress. This also stimulates the brand and makes you stay awake. When you perform this activity daily, you stay awake for longer and your body requires long hours of sleep to recover and make you feel refreshed.

Image Credit – Healthifyme
  • Weight maintenance

One of the most celebrated advantages of running and jogging is definitely the fact that it aids in weight loss. To lose weight, the body needs to maintain a negative energy balance. This means your body would need to burn more calories than it consumes. This negative energy balance then causes the body to break down the stored fat to create energy and that is how you lose weight. While nutrition plays a key role in achieving weight loss, high-paced activities like running and jogging help your body burn a considerable amount of calories.

  • Mental health

Improving your physical health is equally important as improving your mental health. Jogging and running can have a much deeper impact on your overall health than just carrying a bodily influence. It has been shown in regular studies that aerobic workouts greatly improve mental health while preventing the onset of several mental diseases. When it especially comes to mental health issues like anxiety and sadness, regular running or jogging is proven to be an assisting factor in alleviating the symptoms.

Some tips for beginners:

Now that you understand the top health benefits jogging and running have both on your body and mind, time for some great tips for you if you are just starting.

  • See a doctor before you decide to go on a running schedule. This is especially important, if you are overweight, have not exercised in a long time, are over the age of 40 years, or have a chronic illness.
  • Start with brisk walking. Aim for 30 minutes of activity each day and then slowly and steadily move your way up to jogging and then running.
  • Make sure to warm up and stretch your body thoroughly before you start for the day.
  • To avoid overtraining, allow yourself at least 2 whole days of the week, which otherwise may result in injuries.
  • Take a water bottle to your running and jogging session. Make sure you are taking plenty of fluid before, during, and after the activity session.
  • Plan the route you will run or jog to. If possible, go for a grassy and flat area rather than hard or loose surfaces.
  • Avoid running near high roads. This is especially important if you have pre-existing asthma as exhausted fumes from vehicles can increase the risks.

To conclude, it is no better time to start today. So make sure you have comfortable and appropriate clothing and go for a run!!