Hope AMC Presents Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Dubai to Solve Eating Problems in Toddlers

Hope AMC is a well-recommended pediatric rehabilitation center in Dubai helping children having eating problems and swallowing disorders with their feeding therapy.

(Isstories Editorial):- Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sep 12, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – Hope AMC is one of the well-established and highly recommended therapeutic clinics in Dubai, which is solely dedicated to the treatment of various health problems experienced by children of different age groups.  We are a team of experienced pediatricians and therapists who provide feeding therapy and many other treatments designed for children to help them overcome their physical and behavioral disabilities and achieve developmental milestones.

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Children with feeding disorders may suffer from different problems. Parents may find their toddlers unable to chew and swallow food in pieces, intake certain types of food, especially textures like solid or mixed textured food, move food inside the mouth while chewing or swallowing, use the muscles in the mouth comfortably, digest the food properly, complete the food timely, eat normal quantities, eat food without assistance or use feeding devices like bottles, spoons, etc. that are age- appropriate.

“Feeding problems are estimated to occur in 25% of normally developing children and up to 35% of children with neurological impairments a common.”, said Vada, our speech and language therapist at Hope AMC while she was talking about feeding problems in young children, toddlers, and infants. She also added, “Feeding impairments require early intervention because problems with feeding may lead to psychological nutritional and global developmental problems.”

Children have specific nutritional needs and these needs cannot be fulfilled when children fail to eat and swallow the food properly. So, this problem starts to affect children’s health, and the growth pace of those children can become slow. Parents can detect feeding disorders at an earlier time and help children overcome these developmental challenges with the help of our pediatric feeding therapy program at Hope AMC in Dubai.

Our feeding therapy specialists help children suffering from such problems while eating their food in a proper and safe way. During the program, the therapists assess the condition of the children as well as their age, cognitive and physical abilities, and specific issues to suggest the best feeding therapy plan.  We also focus on the nutritional needs of children to take the necessary action and treat your child in the best possible way.

Our therapeutic program helps children strengthen the muscles of the mouth, increasing tongue movements, enhancing the acceptance of different foods and liquids, supporting hydration and nutrition, mitigating the risk of pulmonary problems, facilitating oral or pharyngeal or respiratory coordination, improving behavioral and sensory issues, etc.

If you are interested in learning further about our feeding therapy, schedule a consultation with our feeding therapists and learn about the duration of the therapy program and the procedure in detail.


Media Contact
Hope Abilitation Medical Center
[email protected]
Jumeirah Road Billqetair St, Kharbash Compound – Villa 3, Umm Suqeim 1, P.O. Box: 77025 Dubai United Arab Emirates
Source :Hope Abilitation Medical Center

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.