Elite Mrs. Earth, Sarah Smith celebrates the auspicious World Humanitarian Day

Bedrest Didn’t Hinder From Reminding Homeschoolers That Healing A Hurt World Begins With Individual Choice to Be Caring and Unite

(Isstories Editorial):- Houston, Texas Sep 1, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – World Humanitarian Day is an international day that celebrates people who have died working for various humanitarian causes. It also recognizes and applauds humanitarian personnel fostering kindness, unity, and compassion in society. Elite Mrs. Earth, Sarah Smith took this opportunity to commemorate lives that were lost and honor the tireless efforts of those who continue to make a difference. The World Humanitarian Day was celebrated on August 19, 2023, where despite being on bed rest, Smith made sure the day acknowledged and supported deserving people.

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The World Humanitarian Day intends to raise public awareness all around the world for humanitarian causes. On August 19, 2003, around twenty years ago this day was established to make this world a better, more suited place for people to live. The primary intention was to celebrate empathy and kindness in this society that needs more people who are willing to make a change. This year was the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the World Humanitarian Day. It was established in honor of 22 humanitarian workers who tragically lost their lives in a bombing at the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. Since then every year, August 19th is celebrated to reflect on its history, significance, and the pressing need for a kinder, more compassionate society. Amidst any adverse situation, Sarah Smith, Elite Mrs. Earth,  exemplifies the essence of humanitarianism through her actions and advocacy. This is why, in the middle of a not-so-ideal situation, Smith continued with her commitments and organized a celebration for this day.

World Humanitarian Day is a reminder that the primary purpose of a humanitarian is to protect and save lives. It is also a gentle reminder that compassion and kindness are completely universal values that transcend borders and cultures. This is why Elite Mrs. Earth decided to celebrate in a way that mattered and brought change. Even though she wanted to be at some events and missed out on a speaking engagement as she was on bed rest, she spent her time crafting and organizing a workshop. Sarah Smith created a Zoom workshop that was for a group of 37 homeschoolers. The entire event was planned in less than an hour due to the original speaker having a last minute emergency and not being available for the session. Sarah did not let the opportunity of stepping up and helping out go so decided to take the class and provide an engaging class. She helped the students understand the clear concept of diversity and empathy and the importance of kindness, love, and compassion.

In the class, Sarah Smith also helped students understand the concept of active listening as it is the foundation of unity. Sarah said when someone takes the time out to practice active listening, they bridge the gap between two different perspectives. Then she took the time to appreciate home school teachers and parents for their role in educating as education plays a major role in child development and helps with diversity. Sarah also acknowledged the fact that celebrating diversity augments collective tapestry while broadening people’s understanding of how the world works by adding personal experiences. In the class, Smith discussed how one small act of kindness can have a huge impact on someone while contributing to a ripple effect of positivity.


AW Hanns Agency
Source :Elite Earth

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.