UK Summer Spending Snapshot: Zinklar’s Survey Highlights Age-Based Priorities

Zinklar’s Aug 2023 survey: Summer spending – 500£-1000£ leads (25-34 at 13.00%). Low-cost activities prevail, inflation impacts 25-34 (5.00% less), 45-54 resilient (9.00%).

(Isstories Editorial):- London, United Kingdom Aug 8, 2023 ( – Zinklar, a leading market research SaaS platform, recently conducted a comprehensive survey to delve into the spending preferences and budget allocations of respondents from various age groups for the summer of 2023. The data collected sheds crucial light on the financial plans of diverse demographics and highlights their priorities for the upcoming summer season.

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Unraveling Budget Allocation for Summer Spending

The survey results reveal fascinating insights into how different age groups plan to allocate their budgets for the summer. While the majority of respondents across age groups have not specified their budget for this season, those who did revealed intriguing patterns. Notably, the highest percentage in all age groups falls within the range of 500£-1000£. The 25-34 age group stands out with the highest proportion at 13.00% for this budget allocation. Additionally, another consistent budget allocation across age groups was in the range of 1,000£ -1,500£, with the 25-34 age group again leading at 4.00%. Respondents allocating less than 500£ for their summer spending were also significant, with the 35-44 age group recording the highest proportion at 11.00%. In contrast, the percentage of respondents allocating more than 1,500£ for summer spending was relatively low across all age groups.

Low-Cost Activities and the Impact of Inflation on Summer Plans

Beyond budget allocations, the survey also unveiled intriguing insights into how respondents plan to spend their summer. The majority of participants from diverse age groups are keen on engaging in low-cost activities, showcasing a desire to make the most of the season while being financially prudent.

Interestingly, the 25-34 age group appears particularly affected by inflation, with 5.00% of respondents stating they don’t plan to spend a lot of money this summer due to rising costs. This trend highlights the impact of inflation on the younger demographic’s summer plans and suggests a potential shift in spending behaviors.

Conversely, the 45-54 age group stands out with the highest percentage (9.00%) of respondents stating that inflation has not affected their summer plans. This demographic seems relatively resilient to inflation, enabling them to maintain their summer spending habits.

Insights into Summer Purchases

The survey also delved into the types of purchases respondents made for the summer season, revealing noteworthy trends in several categories:

Beauty Products: 19.00% of respondents purchased beauty products, with females making a higher percentage of purchases (15.00%) compared to males (4.00%).

Clothing: 30.00% of respondents made purchases related to clothing, with females (18.00%) leading in this category compared to males (12.00%).

Travel: 16.00% of respondents made purchases related to travel during the summer, with females making more purchases (7.00%) compared to males (9.00%).

Diverse Spending Habits Across Age Groups

The survey results showcase the diverse spending habits and priorities among different age groups for the summer of 2023. While the majority of respondents have not specified their budget, those who did allocate their spending predominantly fell within the 500£-1000£ range. Low-cost activities remain popular across all age groups, indicating a collective focus on budget-conscious planning for the season. Additionally, the impact of inflation varies among age groups, leading to distinct changes in summer spending plans.

Zinklar will continue to analyze and monitor these spending trends to offer valuable insights to businesses and individuals seeking to understand consumer behavior better. The survey data serves as a valuable resource for decision-makers and marketers looking to tailor their products and services to meet the evolving needs of their target audience.

About Zinklar

Zinklar is a dynamic market research SaaS platform, that provides real-time consumer insights in over 80 countries. Their services include evaluating new product concepts, assessing advertising campaigns, understanding consumer opinions about brands, and exploring buying habits, among others.

Media Contact:
Andrea Camacho A

PR & Communications Manager

[email protected]


Source :Zinklar

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.