I-5 LLC Predicts Beer Rationing Coming to USA attributable to Human-Induced Climate Change

(Isstories Editorial):- Stillwater, Minnesota Jul 15, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – Contact:

Jon Nils Fogelberg


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i-5 LLC Announces Discovery that Future Beer Production is Threatened by Climate Change, Predicts Federal Beer Rationing

i-5 LLC, a leading provider of climate change research and analysis, today announced the discovery that future beer production is threatened by climate change. The company also predicted that the Federal government will initiate rationing coupons restricting the consumption of beer to only one 12 ounce portion per week beginning August 1, 2023.

The company’s research found that the rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns caused by climate change are making it more difficult to grow the barley and hops that are essential to beer production. In addition, the rising temperatures are making it more difficult to ferment beer, and the changing precipitation patterns are making it more difficult to obtain the water that is needed to produce beer.

“The future of beer production is at stake,” said Jon Fogelberg, CEO of i-5 LLC. “If we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we could see a future where beer is a luxury item that is only available to the wealthy.”

The company is calling on policy makers to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. “We need to act now to save beer,” said Jon. “The future of our favorite beverage depends on it.”

In addition to the research findings, i-5 LLC also analyzed the current state of the beer industry and concluded that the Federal government is likely to implement beer rationing in the near future. The company’s analysis found that the beer industry is already facing a number of challenges, including rising costs, declining sales, and increased competition from other beverages. The company believes that these challenges will only get worse in the future and that the Federal government will be forced to take action to ensure that there is enough beer for everyone.

“We believe that beer rationing is inevitable,” said Jon. “The Federal government will not allow the beer industry to collapse, and they will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that there is enough beer for everyone.”

The company is calling on beer drinkers to contact their elected officials and urge them to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. “We need to act now to save beer,” said Jon, “The future of our favorite beverage depends on it.”

Write or email the White House and request they issue a National Environmental Energy Emergence Declaration or simply NEED. We have to prevent this rationing program from becoming the law of the land.

About i-5 LLC

i-5 LLC is a leading provider of climate change research and analysis. The company’s mission is to provide businesses and governments with the information they need to make informed decisions about climate change.

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