Tarah Who? returns to the stage with a dynamic hard rock track ‘Manners’

The famous rock duo Tarah Who? is infuriated by the constant interference from the dogmatic personalities and releases a powerful rock anthem ‘Manners’ for the youth.

Those who are familiar with the work of the rock duo Tarah Who? can clearly perceive the entirely different soundscape presented in the latest addition to their discography, Manners. It is the latest heavy rock track that focuses on an entirely new dimension of rock music. Their constant inclination towards the 80s’ addictive bleep-bloop synth chords somehow gets faded in the new presentation. They work on their energy to sculpt a high-octane rock anthem that exposes the dark matter of the band. Clearly, they are infuriated by the vicious constraints applied to them by society. Going against the social norms, they spill their rebellious blood all over the gritty verses.

Tarah Who?

Tarah Who? is made from the beatific synergy of the grunge-punk singer Tarah Carpenter and the drummer/backing vocalist Coralie Hervé. From punky rock n’ roll to hard-hitting rock rhythms, they have fabricated a new style to define their anthemic musicality. The heavy distortions and high-energy guitar strokes employed in ‘Manners’ sound aptly innovative alongside the raspy, expressive vocals. They have delivered two full-lengths, three EPs, and one beezer punk rock single. The burning chords of the songs draw an uncanny similarity with Foo fighters, The Distillers, and Nirvana. Follow the greatest upcoming rock duo of this year on their website, Spotify, Instagram, and linktree.

Link to the single: