6 Healthy and Tasty Chia Seeds Recipes to Maintain your Diet

The small seeds of chia are loaded with the goodness of nutrition, high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These are also rich in high fibre and can fight type 2 diabetes and stabilize blood sugar. They are recognized as a modern-day superfood and best known for keeping your hunger at bay. Their liquid binding power is easy to digest and best for burning those extra kilos. Besides, you can include them in your daily food.


Turn them into pudding

Chia seeds soaked in water or milk adds a cassava starch pudding texture. With that, add some sweetener and some spices to make your breakfast. The dish has a great dosage of protein and fibre. To add more crunchiness, include some sliced almonds and toasted pistachios. This will help you get glowing skin.

Use as topping

Once you soak them in water, they turn into sticky balls. If you don’t like that consistency, add them just before drinking. A tablespoon of chia seeds gives you 3 grams of protein and 5 grams of fibre as well as potassium and omega 3s. These seeds are great for weight loss and for strengthening bones. A sprinkle of chia seeds into your yoghurt also act as a topping.

Put it in your kid’s snacks

Kids don’t find nutritional food tasty. You can add chia seeds to their fruits like pomegranate and raspberry. Children who have constipation can consume chia seeds to get rid of these issues.

Make healthy and tasty muffins

If you are making waffles, muffins, pancakes or homemade granola, toss in some chia seeds. They have a bland flavour, so they go well with almost anything. Flip a handful into the banana flapjacks or include them in the delicious muffins. Wherever you put them, they deliver a solid bit of crunch.


Bake them with bread

The tiny black seeds are a nutritional staple which provides lots of energy and also can regulate high blood sugar. They can be used as the ingredient for making bread. This dietary food if combined with sunflower, sesame and poppy seeds adds yumminess to food. You can also slather it with your much loved low-sugar jam and nut butter. Thus, both the purpose of health and happiness is resolved with these mouth-watering recipes.

Tasty spread

Make your own homemade jam the simple way with chia. If you want to make blueberry jam, adding a little amount of honey or maple syrup with it is a great choice. Cook over medium-low heat with berries and stir. When the solution gets thicker, the result will be a delicious one. This spread can be eaten with fruits, bread, and a granola bar. The best thing is this superfood is easily available in the market.